求阿姆《Sing For The Monment》的歌词,最好是中英文都有

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/25 02:17:18


These ideas are nightmares, for white pa

whose worst fear is a child with dyed ha
ir, and who likes earrings,
like whatever they say has no bearing,

it's so scary in a house that allows no

to see him walking around with his headp
hones blaring,

alone in his won zone cold and he don't
care, he's a problem child,

and what bothers him all comes out, when
he talks about,
his fuckin dad walking out,

because he hates him so bad that he bloc
ks him out,

if he ever saw him again he's probably k
nock him out,

his thoughts are wacked, he's mad so he'
s talking back,

talking black, brainwashed from rock and

he sags his pants, do-rags and a stalkin
g cap,

his step father hit him, so he socked hi
m back,

and broke his nose, this h