leave 的用法

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/03 21:31:45
有leave for A,离开某处去A
leave from A to B,离开A去B
这两种用法, 那么有没有leave +A地点 to +B地点这样的用法呢?
(按语法是可以的, leave 可以是及物动词, to + 地点 做状语)
具体点:They leave their country for the new land.
可以说成:They leave their country to the new land.吗?(只能用leave A for B / leave from A to B)吗?

They leave their country to go to the new land.

She left A for B . yes
She left from A to B..


They leave their country to the new land- not correct..should be the first sentence..


i leave my home to school

既然都用 AforB了,干嘛还要用AtoB!!英语可不象咱汉语,一句话N多说法,他们一条筋的!!