
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/06 08:23:23
这个是第三单元的开始的意思课文 我要做题可是没有翻译我不完全明白是什么意思大家给我翻译一下把 谢谢.
Even ships grow old and have to destroyed. The last journey of a ship, which people have worked in and grown to love, is alwys a sad occasion. The F.S 949 had noe been a great liner,or even a remarkable merchant ship.she was a U-boat and had sunk more ships during the war than any other submarine, in one famous battle, she had sunk six ships in twenty-four hours. Alone,she had gone out to meet a convoy of merchant ships.though these ships were protected by destroyers, the F.S 949 had sunk four of them before she was located buring the long battle that followed, two of the destroyers were sunk and the little submarine was only slightly damaged. Now , under a cold, grey sky people were watching silently as she came into the harbour. She would soon make her last journey out to sea before resting for ever in the depths she knew so well
