
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/27 14:07:18

English is becoming in the world the first true general purpose language, although it is on 20 national approximately hundred million human of mother tongues, with speaks Chinese more than ten hundred million people to compare, this numeral were slightly many. However, and some 400,000,000 people take English the second language, but also some several hundred million people understand English. English has official or the semi official language status in about 60 countries. Although speaks Chinese the human with the human who speaks English equally are possibly many, but may affirm English the geographic distribution is broad �? 20 at present, the world speaks English the human has approximately 1,200,000,000, to 2000 after, speaks English human possibly ultra �? 500,000,000. In the achievement world teaching most languages, English cannot replace other languages, but it played the supplement role to other languages.

请问,我昨天从朋友里拿到一本“卧龙生”的--神剑魔箫,但只有上部,我在网上找了好久都没有, 我昨天刚拿到专利申请号,请问什么时候可以生效? 我想邮寄一本书给我朋友,请问怎么办? 我一个朋友给我从工行的自动取款机上异城转钱到我的农行一本通上,请问我可以收到吗?大概要多久啊??? 昨天早上我看到了一本杂志里写到这片段 昨天收到朋友从澳大利亚送给我的护肤霜一瓶,品名:NEWBEAUTY ,请问这个是什么品牌。希望略加介绍。 昨天跟一个朋友赌气,把他的QQ从我的好友里删除了,那我还在他的好友里吗? 怎么为一本书拿到版权? 昨天看到工会里扔出一本书[秘典:变形术:龟] 请问想要一本圣经,可以如何拿到?(06.7.31提问)