
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/16 09:18:42
i mean what should i say first ?????

Can I borrow a few minutes? I'm doing a survey and I'm wondering if you would be kind enough to help me fill out this questionaire...

excuse me
may I ask you a few questions
just a few minutes
Can you spare a few minutes for me just for a few question?

老外就说英语吗?有些特别反感英语的老外呢?我会先用中文打招呼,他用中文回答就甭把他当老外; 他听不懂,就更好了,一般会用母语说我不懂中文,搭上话就好办了

the third answer is very good

excuse me?