
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/16 14:38:46
关于BILL GATES的介绍..最好是英文的...越多越好.......谢谢各位大哥啊....

Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson concluded months ago that Microsoft used anticompetitive methods to achieve a monopoly in the market for operating systems running on Intel-based microprocessor systems. By refusing a negotiated settlement of the case to limit the effect of that foregone conclusion on his company, Gates last week took a grave risk. In most such cases, companies knuckle under to the demands of imperious prosecutors, to avoid setting precedents for rapacious civil litigators. Brave Bill Gates insists that this case be settled in public, by appellate judges, who will make laws plainly, for good or for ill. America should have fewer antitrust laws, and certainly it needs clearer antitrust laws. Gates is taking a heroic stand for the cause of antitrust reform.

We recall, however, an adage about live cowards and dead heroes. Just as sending an antitrust case to a trial judge opens a company up to the risk that its rational behavior will be determined to be illegal