
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/05 14:13:43

3楼的 你说的英文是什么 我不懂 英文太差:(

yes, you raised a very intersting and important question .
you have noticed that most of english words have more than one meaning , some words even have no less than 10 different meaning , for instance, PITCH. so for english beginners, it can be confusing and annoying . yes, if you only concentrate you attention on memorizing vocabulary, you are doomed.
there is a some tip , hope it can help you learing english words
don't memorizing dictionay, try you best and spend your most time reading ( of course, the stuff you reading should have good quality) once you encounter some unfamiliar words then refer to a good lexicon( actually, sometime the meaning of some words can be easily guessed under the context in the article
so, in a word. combining memorizing and reading is a fast track to english learning .

不要单记,要用意思联系,把它们编成一个句子 最好多读一些英文的资料,杂志
