
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/06 03:56:09
在朋友CD里听到的,一个女孩子演唱的,歌曲超长,前奏就有6分钟,里面讲到她爸爸她妈妈还有她男朋友,来回我只听懂一句take me downtown ,又没有人知道这是谁唱得什么歌曲?
不好意思,不是那首lonely in pairs,请看一下我上面的说明,前奏就很长的,谢谢。

gloss的[lonely in pairs]

The late summer sunshine down on her
Been walking all day in town of love
On her own going home
Only if someone were there who would understand
How it is feeling like this
So she said, pardon, parlez-vous English?
Where do I find the bus station?
I got a little lost cause I have never been here before
Never thought I would feel so alone, away from home

Im so lonely
Why dont you show me around?
Im so lonely
Why dont you take me downtown?
Im so lonely
Oh what would I do without people like you?

This is what happened
I got so scared of the man who was standing there
cause he started to talk and I just didnt understand
So I start to run and I run and run
He was following me so I didnt stop
My heel came off and then I saw you
Ive been looking for you
I need a friend

Im so lonely