
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/15 14:22:33

运行--cmd 出现了命令提示符,在此能支持很多Dos命令.除了网络命令外,以下是系统相关命令

arp.exe > NETWORK Display and modify IP - Hardware addresses 显示和更改计算机的IP与硬件物理地址的对应列表

at.exe > AT is a scheduling utility also included with UNIX 计划运行任务

atmadm.exe > Displays statistics for ATM call manager. ATM调用管理器统计

attrib.exe > Display and modify attributes for files and folders 显示和更改文件和文件夹属性

autochk.exe > Used to check and repair Windows File Systems 检测修复文件系统

autoconv.exe > Automates the file system conversion during reboots 在启动过程中自动转化系统

autofmt.exe > Automates the file format process during reboots 在启动过程中格式化进程

autolfn.exe > Used for formatting long file names 使用长文件名格式

bootok.exe > Boot acceptance application for registry

bootvrfy.exe > Bootvrfy.exe, a program included in Windows 2000 that

notifies the system that startup wa