
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/07 03:36:30


如果真要细分的话,在我的阅读/写作经历里,skeptical (这是更为广泛使用的拼写方式) 更倾向“怀疑的”,是一种态度,含有不信任的意思。而 incredulous 更倾向“无法相信的”,是一种事实。

态度是有轻重之分的,即,可以有 very skeptical, a little skeptical, somewhat skeptical... 但是事实更像是0和1的区别,所有一般不会加 "very" "a litte" "somewhat"这样的词来修饰incredulous 的。例如你要说“我有一点点怀疑”,就最好用"I'm a little skeptical" 而不是 "I'm a little incredulous"。

incredulous- more like 'I just can't believe in something'

skeptical- more like ' having a belief in something 怀疑的

They both mean I don't believe in something but they are different in terms that skeptical is used more often and means 怀疑的.

Incredulous is hardly used....
So it's safer to use 'skeptical