
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/09 15:39:43
08年9月份长春工业大学葫芦岛学院毕业,现在是大学3年级,我的好朋友去了英国伦敦,我本科毕业 也不知道何去何从,也想去伦敦, 家庭条件不是很好,目的是去赚钱,我朋友说,只要我能去上伦敦,那边问题好解决。
我咨询了中介 (北京澳际留),客服告诉我,我这情况,想现在走的话,就只能通过专生本的方式,申请最后一年的,保证金是25-28万,我家里也就能承受这么多。
有几个问题。 1 北京澳际中介的实力怎么样? 是那种收了钱不办事的吗? 2 澳际说的专升本这个途径的成功率大吗? 咨询很多中介都说没这服务( 好像就他家能办) 不会是骗人吧?
3 如果这个方法不行 希望大家给我提出一个合理的建议,让我参考。
4 我现在在国内读的是本科,澳际说申请专升本,这个是怎么回事?
5 最好不要大三去申请签证,99%的可能是拒签, 有人这么说? 为什么 ?
6 我朋友的哥哥在英国5年了 有一点人脉,我去了,不读书 ,我朋友哥哥能帮我,所以我才要去英国的, 为什么赚钱英国不是好选择?

University of Southampton [attach]382660[/attach]

1862 Hartley Institution,
1902 University College,
1952 Royal Charter, University of Southampton

According to The Sunday Times newspaper league table, Southampton is perennially in the top ten for research (its primary focus), while in 2002 it came 3rd overall (out of around 200 British institutions).

Southampton is a member of the Worldwide Universities Network and has close links with MIT in the United States.

Southampton is probably best known as an engineering, science and social science university.

In the most recent RAE assessment (2001), it has the only engineering faculty in the country to receive the highest rating (5*) across all disciplines.

According to the Times Higher Educational Supplement,
Southampton has the second largest research income among British universities for the physical sciences and mathematics,