
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/16 00:29:23

Plot Summary

Genres: Action, Drama, Romance, Sci-Fi, Thriller
Tagline: It's Closer Than You Think.
Plot Outline When an asteroid the size of Texas is headed for Earth the world's best deep core drilling team is sent to nuke the rock from the inside.
Plot Synopsis: Due to a shuttle's unfortunate demise in outer space, NASA becomes aware of a doomsday asteroid that is on a collision course with Earth. It seems that the only way to knock it off course is to drill into its surface and detonate a nuclear weapon. But as NASA's under-funded yet resourceful team train the world's best drillers for the job, the social order of the world begins to break down as the information reaches the public and hysteria results. As high-ranking officials play politics with the effort, the drilling team all faces deep personal issues which may jeopardize humanity's last chance...

Actors: Bruce Willis, Billy Bob Thornt