
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/08 03:57:11
laugh at,beat,fell fast alseep,comfortable,goal,lie down,race,believe,reach,win the race,with aslow but steady pace


龟兔赛跑("The Turtle and the Rabbit Run a Race," )
One day a turtle was crawling slowly down a path in the shady woods. Along came a rabbit, kicking up his heels happily as he ran. He passed the turtle, and then he stopped for a moment.
"Good morning, turtle," said the rabbit. "Where are you going?"
"I am on my way to the river," said the turtle, as he crawled slowly along.
"Ho, ho! Ho, ho!" laughed the rabbit. "You9;ll never reach the river if you crawly along in the slow way. You ought to try hopping along fast, for a change. That's the way to get to the river in a hurry."
"I can't hop like you," said the turtle. "I can only crawl. But I'll get to the river just the same, and perhaps I'll get there before your do."
"Ho, ho, ho!" laughed the rabbit. "Do you really think that you can beat me? Shall we have a race?"
"I don't mind