英语翻译 1;我想知道这是否是座被遗弃的城市。 2;她一看到那只狗,她的心就由于害怕砰砰的跳。

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 13:29:07

1.I want to know if this are a Godforsaken city.
2. As soon as she seeing that dog , her heart since dreadful Peng Peng spring.

1;I want to know whether this is a forsaken city or not. 2;She is at the sight of that dog, her heart because of frightened jump of bang bang.

1.I wonder whether it is a deserted city.
2.When she saw the dog,her heart beat became so fast out of fear.