上古卷轴4: 湮灭物品代码查如何查找?

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/01 15:01:56
如题 谁知道的讲一下 谢谢了!!!

上古卷轴4 所有物品代码(材料配方)

代码 物品名称
0003365C Alkanet Flower
000A7924 Aloe Vera Leaves
000704A0 Ambrosia
0003365D Apple
0003365E Arrowroot
000977DD Ashes of Hindaril
0003365F Beef
000A7933 Bergamot Seeds
00033663 Blackberry
00033664 Bloodgrass
00033665 Boar Meat
0008446C Bog Beacon Asco Cap
00048734 Bonemeal
0001EBFF Bonemeal
00023D89 Bread Loaf
0006251E Cairn Bolete Cap
00033666 Carrot
00082DE2 Carrot of Seeing
00033668 Cheese Wedge
00033669 Cheese Wheel
0008529C Cinnabar Polypore Red Cap
0008529B Cinnabar Polypore Yellow Cap
0003366A Clannfear Claws
00084472 Clouded Funnel Cap
000A7925 Columbine Root Pulp
0003366B Corn