
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/01 12:55:03
you will work in groups of fours
Each gorup will have an 8-10 mintue timeslot(1 1/2 to minutes for each student)
The topic is:
Sports stars make too much money
studentA: will introduce the team and topic student(介绍组员自己就不用写了)
studentB: will present 3 arguments for yhe topic with reasons student
studentC: will present 3 arguments againest the topic with reason student
studentD: will present a conclusion and overrall view point
Assessment grades will be based on content,pronunciation,fluency

This might help, you can revise it according to your own situation:

Student B:
Currently, the sporting industry is paying ridiculous salaries to its athletes. The enormous wages that sports stars of today are getting encourage fans to pay too much attention to this industry, which is bad for society. Athletes don't deserve and aren't worth the excessive amount of money they are paid. I have heard people defend athletes by saying, "If he can get that much money, then good for him, he's worth it." That seems so ridiculous to me. Is Michael Jordan greater because he can score a basket than a doctor is for saving someone's life? How can you begin to compare that? Yet athletes are paid much more than doctors or professors who make a much bigger difference in the important parts of society. Even politicians, who are not always looked upon as admirable individuals, make more important decisions that affect many more people than athletes. A wrong de