
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/04/29 15:14:55
However, there is a distinction between craft and motivation, between the skill of making and the purpose that motivates the skill. Craft may often win professional competitions. It can be repeated and, to a degree, taught. Its skills can be deployed without any reference to feelings, history, or ideas. Motivation, however, necessitates the definition of a particular stance towards life--some idea of a culture's relationship toward the world and existential problems. It employs the feeling found in cultural memory and personal experience to generate meaning, wonder, and expression. Motivation engenders a heightened sense of purpose. At its greatest, it is an epiphany,a revelation, a new way of seeing the world. Motivation establishes a vital alertness, a sensitive curiosity, and an insatiable sense of marvel. A built landscape may well survive blemishes of craft, but will very rarely survive a creative stillbirth.



motivation的意思在下半句里已经作了解释:“the purpose that motivates the skill”


motivation 是积极性、干劲的意思