
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/04/30 08:27:16
8.在运动发面丽丽不如她姐姐。 Lily is not____________as her sister

9.大多数学生一周做三、四次作业。 Most students do homework_______

10.我打算在美丽的乡村消磨时光。 I’m planning_____in the_______

11.泰国是一个浏览的好地方。Thailand is a good ____________

12.在北美,并非所有的学生都坐汽车上学。 In——————————

13.他们要去西藏呆一周。 They’re________Tibet ___________

14.从家到学校需要他半个小时的时间____thirty_____form home to school。

15.你喜欢交与你不同的朋友吗? Do you like to have frieng likes to__________

16.对我来说,好朋友喜欢跟我做同样的事________,a good frieng likes to___________

8)as exellent in sports
9)three or four times a week
10)to kill time...beautiful countryside
11)place to travel
12)the North America,not all of the students go to school by bus
13)going to stay in...for a week
14)It takes him...minutes
16)In my opinion...do the same things like me

8)as exellent in sports
9)three or four times a week
10)to spend my time beautiful countryside
11)place to visit
12)In North America, all the students don't go to school by car
13)going to stay in for a week
14)It cost him minutes

8.在运动发面丽丽不如她姐姐。 Lily is not____as exellent in sports ___as her sister

9.大多数学生一周做三、四次作业。 Most students do homework_three or four times a week ______

10.我打算在美丽的乡村消磨时光。 I’m planning_to kill time____in the__beautiful village_____

11.泰国是一个浏览的好地方。Thailand is a good ___place to travel__
