
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/31 16:31:57
福州三中以“励志、笃学、力行”为校训,坚持“以人为本,以诚为先,实现可持续发展”的办学理念,在发展过程中,努力提升学校的生存质量,提升教师的生命质量,提升学生的生活质量,与时俱进地确立了学校的办学目标:“树立科学发展观,追求办学高素质,积极培训优质师资,培养优秀学生,培育优美校园,集聚优厚资源,积淀优雅文化,构建风正气顺、心齐劲足、人和校兴的和谐学校。”在长期的教育教学实践中,学校形成了“敬业、爱生、严谨、求精”的教风和“勤勉、乐学、创新、超越”的学风。积极承担国家重点教研课题,创建了“创设情境、激发情感、主动发现、主动发展”具有福州三中特色的教育模式。教学中突出对学生创新精神的培养,为学生的全面发展创设时间和空间,使学生的个性特长得到充分张扬,使学生的聪明才智得到最大限度的发挥。2002年以来,共有294名学生获市级以上奖励,其中获全国奖励39名,省级竞赛奖励的53名,并有8个研究项目获全国青少年科技创新大赛一、二等奖。21个研究项目获省青少年科技创新研究大赛一等奖。2003至2005年,我校年年有学生保送清华大学、北京大学等名校深造,平均每年98% 以上的高中毕业生成功进入大学,60%以上高中毕业生进入全国重点大学学习深造。


Fuzhou takes "encouraging the ambition , devoted to study , trying hard to practise as" school motto among three, "in order to being really first person is this , for insisting that, in the idea the coming true sustainable development " running a school, developing process middle, the school survival mass making great efforts to be advanced , the mass being advanced the teacher life , the quality of life promoting a student , the target running a school advancing with time a field have established school's;"Set up science develop Taoist temple, run after run a school high-caliber, active training high grade teachers, cultivate excellent student, cultivate graceful campus, assemble favourable resource, product shallow lake elegant culture, structure build wind healthy atmosphere smooth, heart reach the height of strength enough, support of the people school be popular harmonious school ". In the long range education teaching practice, school has form