
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/25 19:17:00




Kunimitsu Tezuka (male;179cm)
Tezuka is the tennis club captain and definately the most skilled out of all the players at Seigaku. We rarely get to see him actually play but the score always reflects his level of talent. At the beginning of the series Tezuka seems to be nursing a hurt arm which we learn more about later. Even though it may hurt his arm more, he takes on the task of rising Echizen to a new level. Tezuka is one of the only ones who sees that Ryoma's skills are an exact copy of Nanjirou's. Tezuka knows that for Ryoma to become anything more than just a mere copy, his skills must be taken to the next step.

Drop Shot - This is when he slices (and spins) the ball so that when it lands, the ball sticks to the ground and rolls in a circle.
Tezuka Zone - Where Tezuka controls the movement of the ball so that no matter where his opponent tries to hit it the ball will always return directly to his position.

手冢国光 Kunimitsu