
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/22 17:15:26
Successful working relationships are built on trust.
Our dealings with each other should be based on mutual trust and dedication to one another and our Company. We are responsible to ourselves and the Company to treat each other with respect and dignity.
At Colgate, we take pride in the strong personal commitment of our people and the excellence in achievement that results from that commitment. But this level of cooperation can only be achieved in a climate of trust and mutual respect. All of your dealings with your fellow employees — be they your peers, your subordinates or your supervisors — should be conducted as a partnership, where each individual ’s behavior is governed by an overriding commitment to Colgate’s success.
Your relationship with your fellow Colgate employees should be as a member of a winning team. People working in harmony and focused on a set of mutual objectives are the driving momentum behind our business. For this dynamic team relationship to w


成功的工作关系是建立在信任. 我们与对方应基于互信和奉献连在一起的. 我们有责任为自己和公司相互尊重和尊严. 在高露洁蹭, 我们引以自豪的强大的人民和个人承诺卓越成就,从这一结果 承担. 但这种合作水平只能在相互尊重和信任的气氛. 你与你的所有其他雇员打交道-无论你同行, 你的下属或上司--应作为伙伴 个别地方的行为是由压倒承诺高露洁蹭的成功. 你与你的同胞雇员应高露洁蹭身为一个冠军. 人们在和谐的工作重点和目标是相互一套驱动声势落后的业务. 这关系到动态团队工作 每个人都必须履行其职责和放心的是,别人也会. 这就是说,提供必要的支持等各个方面的力量,做好这项工作. 任何个人或企业单位可以优先予以撤换那些让自己的公司. 你与你的监督要以身作则得体、公平和诚信对待他人. 作为一个领袖, 你是负责的表现,明确标准,创造有利于团队工作. 公开和诚实地沟通. 倾听你的下属,承认自己的观点. 鼓励创造性思维和创新作为个人对待部属,要允许他们自由地做好他们的工作. 提供性能改进建议.