
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/16 00:24:20
1what ring is square2why did the person throw a clock out the window?3what time is it when a pie is divided among four frinds?4what nail should you neverhit with a hammer5why is the sun like a loaf of bread?

1 A boxing ring. (用A boxing ring回答问句的ring, 是在字形和字音上玩游戏。其实ring的意思是圆圈或指环,boxing ring 却是指拳赛场地。
10.Because it’s light when it rises. ( 答案就太阳而言,它升起的时候,很亮。答案就面包而言,它松起的时候,很轻。两个意思同属于一句英文之中,这就是答案的妙处。)

2 To see time fly. ( 为什么人会把钟丢出窗外?你如果回答是因为夫妻吵架而摔东西,那就落入俗套,没什么好笑。但回答To see time fly 看时光飞驰,你说妙不妙?)

3 A quarter to one. ( A quarter to one是 12:45,再一刻钟就到一点。另外一个意思是一人分四分之一。)

4 Your fingernail. (用 fingernail回答问句的 nail ,是在字形和字音上玩游戏其实nail的意思是钉子, fingernail的中文意思是指甲,根本是问非所答。

5 Because it’s light when it rises. ( 答案就太阳而言,它升起的时候,很亮。答案就面包而言,它松起的时候,很轻。两个意思同属于一句英文之中,这就是答案的妙处。)

1.What ring is square?
- boxing ring (拳击场地)

2.Why did the person throw a clock out the window?
- to see time fly
解释:time fly,字面是“时间飞行”,实际是“时光流逝”

3.What time is it when a pie is divided among four friends?
- 12:45 (即 a quarter to one)
解释:a quarter to one 是一点钟差一刻的意思,但也可以看成是一人拿1/4

4.What nail should you never hit with a h