求助: 中译英5句

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/06 08:40:44





1 The Shanghai 蒲 east newly developed area is situated at the China sea waterfront center point and Yangtze River estuary 交汇处, abuts the lively Shanghai urban district, the back relies on the thing 阜 people's abundant Yangtze River delta, facing the Pacific Ocean and Southeast Asia's development country and the area, has the advantageous geography superiority

2 In the economic depth development society, only little the partial people is engaged in the agriculture, the agricultural productivity is high, but the majority of labor forces are engaged in to other commodities productions and the service profession

3 Chinese textile import and export always male .CHINATEX) the Tianjin subsidiary company is has the status of legal person the direct management textile import and export business state enterprise, some 40 years foreign trade experience, widespread sale channel and good international prestige

4 Our enterprise generally does