
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/07 08:42:05

Wuthering Heights
Wuthering Heights is a classic written by Emily Bront? Bront?snatches your attention with this melodramatic novel which involves love, hate and surprise. The story is set in England during the late eighteenth century. Most of this novel takes place in two comfortable homes in Yorkshire. The families of these homes are affluent and comfortable until one member brings home a stray child.

Heathcliff, as a child and later as a man, affects the Linton and Earnshaw families. He is introduced by Mr. Earnshaw who brings Heathcliff home from a trip to Liverpool. Heathcliff is brought up with the Earnshaw children, Hindley and Catherine. Catherine grows to love Heathcliff but Hindley hates him because Mr. Earnshaw seems to love the stranger more than his own son.

This book reminds me of a soap opera, with its perplexing love-hate relationships and all of the characters. Catherine, in particular, reminds me of someone who just jumped out of &qu