Leann Rimes / Life Goes On的中文意思

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/14 00:40:33
leann rimes - life goes on life goes on..... life goes on..... life goes on..... life goes on..... you sucked me in and played my mind just like a toy you would crank and wind baby i would give till you wore it out you left me lyin' in a pool of doubt and you're still thinking you're the daddy mac you should've known better but you didn't and i can't go back oh, life goes on and it's only gonna make me strong it's a fact once you get on board say goodbye cause you can't go back oh, it's a fight and i really wanna get it right where i'm at is my life before me and this feeling that i can't go back life goes on... life goes on... life goes on... wish i knew then what i know now you held all the cards and sold me out baby, shame on you if you fool me once shame on me if you fool me twice you've been a pretty hard case to crack should've known better but i didn't and i can't go back na na na na na na na life goes on na na na

歌曲:Life Goes On_有坂美香 歌手:机动战士高达
每当抬头仰望那被 泪水所浸透的苍白色天空
缥缈而且孤寂的苍 茫渐渐的充满了心扉
如果是宿命 那么直到悲伤的尽头
也要依循昔日 那曾经争斗的痕迹

Life goes on 纵情的燃烧
即使需要付出的代价是 错失真实的自己 也不在乎
Life goes on 愿意将你守护
那一双眼 已经知晓了何谓真正的悲伤

盛开在冬季的花儿 如今装扮着朦胧的景致
仿佛正低声讲述着 那不属于坚强的温柔
为了什么人 为的是什么事 为什么
不停战斗的你如今浑身伤痕 累累

Life goes on 在浴火重生后
如果能够 再次与你相逢
我怎么可能 还能够忍受 任凭属于我的你离我而去

Life goes on 在这个时代
就凭这双手 就凭这胸膛 让我们结束战争

Life goes on 纵情的燃烧
总有一天 我愿意再次 与你分享属于你我的光芒

Life goes on 愿意将你守护


有点多 也没中文版 哪句话不懂可以帮你翻译

怎么都是GSD的life goes on~~~

Life goes on 生命要继续..