
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/06 03:18:14
蓝屏的内容大概就是这样的(我手抄的- -):
A problem has been deltcted windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer.

If this is the first time you've seen this stop error. Screen, restart your computer. If this screen appears again, follow these steps.

Check for viruse on your computer. Remove any newly installed hard drives or hard drive conerollers.
Check you hard drive tomakc sure it is properly configured and termin ated.
Run CHKDSK/F to check for hard drive corruption. and then restart your computer.

Technical information
我不想重装系统还有没有其他办法 不是那样的 我的机器上次中毒了 金山毒霸又杀不掉的毒 导致进安全模式蓝屏2个月了 我可以进安全模式我就没去理它 现在我的机器又中毒了 金山没点卵用 我就御载它 可是又御载不干净 按照他们说的方法在注册表删 可是还得进安全模式删 现在安装卡巴斯基又安装不了 安装的360安全卫士一点就自动关机 我现在机器一点保护都没有 用流氓清理大师扫描出了很多恶意软件 又说要进安全模式才能删掉 请问哥姐姐们 还有没有其他办法 除了不重装

XP开机进入安全模式出现蓝屏,出现以下内容,A problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer UNMOUNTABLE__BOOT__VOLUME If this is the first time you`ve seenthis stop error screen restart your computer. If this screen apprars again follow these steps: check to make any new hardware or softwareis properly installed If this is a new installation,ask your harchware or software manufacturer. for any windows updates you wight need If problems cintinue disable or remove any newly installed hardware or software Disable BIOS memory options suchas caching or shadowing If you need to use safe mode to remae or disable conponents restart your conputer press F8 to setect Advanced startup options and then select safe mode. Technical in formation: *** STOP:0x000000ED(0x81FD2900,0xC0000185 0x00000000 0x00000000)
出现stop:0X000000A : IRQL-NOT-LESS-OR-EQUAL 的蓝屏信息
1 : 检查最新安装的软硬件驱动程序,卸载或禁用它们,最好在安全模式下完成这个任务,如果是驱动程序,则推荐使