英语翻译 贸易相关

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 01:49:43
1. Jolly KidZ has been sued in a court by Stokke for patent infringement. We have been advised by the
laywers that if the high chairs use the same leg shape (A-Frame) as you supplied us before through Luo
Xiang from Lisenwood then we will not be sued in the future.
2. Therefore please supply now and in future ONLY high chairs with A-Frame legs.
3. IMPORTANT: CHANGE NOTHING ELSE (All other things except for the legs must be exactly the same
as the last container you send Jolly KidZ.
4. The 200 pieces (JHC002) must be send locally to a supplier that will be advised to you by Arthur and
Zack. They will pay you directly for these 200 pieces (This will ensure that all shipping documentation of
yours and of the other factories is correct and simple)
5. Please note this is a new European customer that can give many containers every year and who
requires the goods urgently. Therefore we request that you begin manufacture right away

1.Jolly KidZ 因Stokke告其侵权而被告上法庭。律师建议我们,如果你在罗翔之前提供给我们同一型号的高脚椅子(A型架)。我们以后将不会向你提出控诉。
3.重要部分:不要改变任何其他部分(除了凳腿其他的部分必须和上一次你送来的Jolly Kidz品牌的集装箱完全相同)