
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/17 20:55:17

In the moonlight I felt your heart 在月光中我倾听你的心
Quiver like a bowstring's pulse 如同蓄势待发的弓弦
In the moon's pure light, you looked at me 在静谧的月色下,你注视我
Nobody knows your heart 无人读透你的心
When the sun is gone I see you 夕阳西下,望见你身影
Beautiful and haunting, but cold 美丽难忘,却冷若寒冰
Like the blade of a knife, so sharp and so sweet 如同刀刃,甜美无比
Nobody knows your heart 无人读透你的心
All of your sorrow, grief and pain 你所有的悲愤、悔恨与不幸
Locked away in the forest of the night 珍藏在森林的黑夜里
Your secret heart belongs to the world 你神秘的心灵归属于这世界上
Of the things that sigh in the dark 在黑夜中悲鸣的声音
Oh the things that cry in the dark在黑夜中哭泣的声音
