
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/04/30 16:10:52
我需要在酒店常用的英语口语,我现在准备做英语航空售票 所以如果你有资料 请给我参考
请为我翻译成专业的英语:1让你久等了 2请问你需要哪里到哪里的机票 3请问你需要预定几号的票 4请问你需要预定早晨还是下午的票 5这个航班目前的折扣是六折,打折后的总票价是900元 6请问你要订几为的票 7请问有没有携带儿童或婴儿呢 8请你填写这张购票单 9请你在这填写你的联系电话下 谢谢

1. Sorry to have you waiting(long).
2. May I help you?
3. Which flight would you like to reserve?
4. Would you like to reserve your ticket in the morning or in the afternoon?
5. This flight is 40% off at present, and that's RMB 900.
6. How many tickets do you want?
7. Do you carry child or baby with you?
8. Fill in this ticket bill pleast.
9. Please leave your contact number, thank you.