
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/07 18:53:22

One year, Shandong's brilliant Lubanga, brought his assistants to Hangzhou. They rent two landmark in the Qiantang wall, hung out "en Shandong, iron wood and stone," in the signs. Just hang up signs, door-to-door offering them a step off the threshold and put Lubanga pick and 93-1986 put 180 young sons, leaving resumption do acolyte.
Lubango city very skillfully craft, is a stone pavilion stands : Zuocheng dog gate, will be carved out of wood cat and mouse. 180 apprentice after they instruct them, are becoming masters. One day, Lubango sister once they are careful to teach life-time scratch sudden burst, suddenly the sky clouds rummaged. a black landings adoration of the original vision to the world anymore. black landings precision head out of the West Lake Central Hangzhou, a 360 created the pit Tam. It lived in the pit acting gas, Hangzhou city fishiness of fish; It lived in the pit empty water Beishan Nanshan heavy. On this day, the Willow Lake break the flow