
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/05 12:55:18

具有浓郁地方色彩的川菜,是中国四大菜系之一,主要由重庆、成都及川北、川南的地方风味名特菜肴组成。 川菜的烹制方法有煎、炒、炸、爆、熘、煸、炝、烘、烤、炖、烧、煮、烩、焖、、氽、烫、煨、蒸、卤、冲、拌、渍、泡、冻、生煎、小炒、干煸、 干烧、鲜熘、酥炸、软、旱蒸、油淋、糟醉、炸收、锅贴等近40大类3000余种。

酸、甜、苦、辣、咸、鲜、香、麻、淡。复合型难以胜计,目前只归纳为50 种左右:
一、 酸味型:酸辣、酸甜、姜醋、茄汁。
二、 甜味型:甜香、荔枝、甜咸。
三、 咸味型:咸香、咸酸、咸辣、酱香、腐乳、怪味。
四、 辣味型:胡辣、香辣、芥末、鱼香、蒜泥、家常。
五、 香味型:葱香、酒香、糟香、蒜香、椒香、五香、十香、麻酱、花香、清香、果香、奶香、烟香、糊香、腊香、孜然、陈皮、咖喱、姜汁、芝麻、冷香、臭香。
六、 鲜味型:咸鲜、蚝油、蟹黄、鲜香。
七、 麻味型:咸麻、麻辣。
八、 苦味型:咸苦、苦香。
九、 淡味型:淡香、本味。

Sichuan is rich in local color, is one of China's four branches, mainly from Chongqing, Chengdu and northern Sichuan. n and the special dishes were composed of local flavor. Sichuan cooking methods are fried, fry, bombing, explosions, quick-fry, speeding, cook in soy, bake, bake, stewed, baked, cooked, the concoction, a little, and boil for a short time. hot, simmer, steam, halogen, dash white, saturate, and soaked, cold, Shengjian, starch, dry speeding, the ingredients fresh Paper Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Suzha, soft, dry steam, paint, bad drunk. admission bombing, fried dumpling nearly 3,000 more than 40 major categories. As one of China's four major branches of Sichuan in China occupies an important position in the history of cooking. It is based on a wide range of seasonings changes, the dishes are varied, Landscape both refreshing taste to use a spicy, With his unique cooking methods and the strong local flavor of the renowned, A history of Chinese food culture and civi