
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/02 12:47:32

you are not my cup of tea

one's cup of tea
[口]合胃口的东西; 所喜爱的物[人]
You are not my cup of tea.你不是我所喜欢的人./我不喜欢你.

You are not my desired tea.

ffor123 说的对。我在电视里看见过。记忆很深.那个电视剧叫做<男亲女爱>,有个女人纠缠着那个男人,那个男人就说了句:"you are not my cup of tea."意思是你不是我喜欢的那种啦.我喜欢的是另外一种"茶"(类型).

You are not my cup of tea.

You aren't that cup tea that I want