来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/14 19:46:39

what can we do about global warming?

My suggested answer:

Global warming is a growing problem in the world. Melting ice-caps in the Artics and Antartica, rising temperatures across the continents, increasing number of typhoons and tropical storms are just some of the effects of global warming.

It must be realised that humans activities are the causes of global warming. The increasing levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) have rose at exponential rates. It is therefore our duty to save the earth.

The task can be divided into a few levels: Individual level, national level and international level.

Starting from the individual level, we can begin by minimising the amount of carbon dioxide by taking public transport instead of driving and using energy-efficient electrical appliances.

At the national level, the government can probably limit the number of cars allowed on the roads by imposing fines on offenders and improving p