大象为什么会不停的动? 英文版

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/02 19:08:28

the reason why the elephant feels like moving constantly is complicated ,but the following could be the main one:
1.The skin of elephant is rather thick and it need to release the temperature of its body .At the same time ,the elephant`s ears have dense artries ,therefore, by shaking the ears can contribute to accelerating the flowing of the air on the surface of the elephant and dispersing the heat and keeping the normal temperature
2.The elephant`s giant weight lead to their constant moving in order to avoid increase the pressure to their legs,you know,once the elephant falls,it is difficult for them to rise up again.So they must have a stronger legs than other animals
3.Their nails play a role in driving the boring insects away