
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/07 07:47:20
中西方礼仪文化的融合,在我们今日中国,更多的还是借鉴西方。但无论是借鉴西方的礼仪,或者是我们是自创一套自己的礼仪系统,这在形式上都不难。难的是我们也能有一个完整的价值体系,有对自身文化的高度认同和深刻觉悟。我们借鉴西方礼仪,不仅仅是要借鉴它的形式,更应当借鉴其内在灵魂,只有这样我们才能建立起自己的自信和优越感,才能确立我们的感染力。民族的复兴不仅是实力的复兴,更是一种文化的复兴。只有别人也认同我们的文化,才能真正使我们的礼仪行于世界。 礼仪文化无疑是这种统一的“先行军”,只有认清中西礼仪文化的差异,将二者合理有效的融合,方能建立适合中国当代社会的礼仪文化体系,达到和谐社会的理想。

Undeniably, the current international etiquette is basically Western etiquette. This is not just a Western phenomenon of the powerful, deep-seated reason is Western values, West is a profound recognition of the high degree of awareness of their own culture. All this is closely related to the social foundation of Christianity, because of the important activities of a religious ritual, Because of religious faith, from the West and the influence of education on the acceptance of this protocol, Etiquette can make natural surface now among the acts. Spiritual, material, political and cultural highly compatible, people with high self-confidence and sense of superiority. It is the West's self-confidence and sense of superiority given the powerful influence of Western culture. it is regarded as one of the world's cultural decency standards. We are now in control of the social situation in China, the gap with the West is obvious. The integration of Chinese and Western cultural etique