
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/16 15:15:48

1、Whereas public Acts affter the public generally;private Acts only affect a limited sector of the populace,either particular people or people within a particular locality.

2、The idea of binding judicial precedent is a special feature of common law jurisdiction.The doctrine is based on the general principle that once a court has stared the legal position in a given situation,then the same decision will be reached in any future case where the material facts are the same.

3、Books by legal authors are not cited very frequently in the English courts,contraty to the practice in many continental countries.At one time this practice was seldom allowed here,and was restricted to a few notable authoriries.More recently the rule has been relaxed and the number of acceptable authors increased.



2、在邓小平建设有中国特色社会主义理论指引下,中国走上了以法治国的道路,开始了 民主与法制的新历程。

1、 Whereas public Acts affter the public generally;private Acts only affect a limited sector of the populace,either particular people or people within a particular locality. 公法针对全体公众,但是私法却只是针对部分人群,或者是特殊的人群或者是某领域内的人群。

2、The idea of binding judicial precedent is a special feature of common law jurisdiction.The doctrine is based on the general principle that once a court has stared the legal position in a given situation,then the same decision will be reached in any future case where the material facts are the same. 遵从判决先例是普通法系的一个基本特征。其原理就是如果法院在某时某给定的情况下做出了某种判决,那么在随后的案例中如果客观条件相同,法院也应该给出相同的判决。

3、Books by legal authors are not cited very frequently in the English courts,contraty to the practice in many continental countries.At one time this practice was seldom allowed here,and was restricted to a few notable authoriries.More recently the rule has been relaxed and the number of acceptable authors increased. 英国法院在判决中很少引用法律专家的意见,这点与大陆法系国家有很大差别。曾有一度英国完全禁止在判决中引入法律专家意见,