求某种动物的英文简介 越平常的越好~

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/26 12:18:05

Cats, also called domestic cat or house cat (Felis silvestris catus), are carnivorous (meat-eating) mammals, of the family Felidae. Cats have been domesticated (kept as pets) for over 3000 years, and they are popular pets. Cats were first domesticated because they eat mice, but later they were domesticated because they are so cute and lovely. A young cat is called a kitten. Cats are sometimes called kitty.

The word "cat" for is also used for other felines: the big cats (lions, tigers, and others) and wild cats (lynxes, pumas, and others). There are many different breeds of domesticated cats.

Sometimes there is a mutation in cat families. Most cats have only four toes per paw. These mutated cats have five. Rarely, some are born with more than five toes per paw. All of these cats are called polydactyl cats. They can also be called Hemingway cats because author Ernest Hemingway owned many of these cats. This mutation can happen in any breed (kind) of cat