c ++初学者请教书的问题,谢谢指教

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/06 08:34:36
<<程序设计实践>> <<C++ Primer中文版>> <<C++程序设计-----谭浩强>> 清华大学钱能教授写的《C++程序设计教程》 《c++ primer plus》 <<c++primer>> 《Effictive C++》 《More Effictive C++》 <<thiank in c++>>
<<标准C++编程宝典>> <<Essential C++>> <<Accelerated C++>> <<C++大学教程>>


首先从C++ Primer Plus开始,本人也是从那本书开始的,中文版70多块钱,翻译的不错,至少我觉得很容易懂,除了有几个小的打印错误。

国外大学教授对C++ Primer Plus的评价以及其建议的阅读顺序:

If you are new to C++, this is THE C++ you need to read. There is another book called "C++ Primer" (no plus). The following comment is what I wrote for the book C++ Primer, which may give you some idea of the difference between these two:

This is a great book for anyone who want to enhance his/her knowledge
on C++, but this is by no means a primer book. If you are new to C++,
read the book "C++ primer plus" first. It is so funny that the book
"C++ primer plus" (which is also a great book) is really an introductory
book. The names of these two books should be swapped because C++ Primer
introduces more advanced topics and the topics that an experience programmer should know but a student does not need to. From my teaching experience in a state university, I would suggest students to rea