
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/06 04:53:58

说是夏季放24,25集.第二部肯定是有的,可能是接Darker than BLACK -黑之契约者.而这个Darker than BLACK 是26话,所以是秋季10月份的时候放了.(Darker than BLACK接的反叛的档,不知道会不会再由反叛来接它的挡了.)

Code Geass 凭其精彩的剧情和制作风格,在欧美动漫Fans群里同样人气冲天,由于动画中映射了美国和英国的霸权主义(汗),从而不断引起激烈争论...

据北美最大动画BT发布站之一“AnimeSuki“的BBS上最新消息,Sunrise打算制作Code Geass第二部,也是25集~应该是在2007秋季上映。越来越觉得像GS...不过剧情要好看许多~ 鲁鲁最高!

原文引用:What the Moon Phase blog is saying is that a source from a certain TV station has revealed that the broadcast plan is that Code Geass will run for two cycles (in Japan,a cycle is about 3 months, or a quarter of the year), take a break of two cycles, and return with two more cycles in Fall 2007. He goes on to say that since the word is that Seiji Mizushima is directing the Gundam series which will be on the 6pm Saturday slots starting Fall 2007 (after Ayakashi Ayashi ends), this would mean two major Sunrise productions facing off each other on the same networks.

Ps.BBS上有流言说,第二部的人物形象设计将由loveless的那个作者操刀! 导演/制