
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/10 14:31:04

We have arranged the shipment at the beginning of April. We will inform you in advance about the detailed plan.

I have arranged the shipping in the begining of April, and I will inform you the details in advance at that time.

I have arranged the delivery in early April. I will notify you beforehand as to the detailed plan.

I have arranged consignment in early April, when I will inform you ahead.

jason7604 and laochangsha


4月初,我已安排了发货,届时详细计划,我会提前告知。请大家帮忙翻译! 我在淘宝买东西,卖家不发货,却点了已发货怎么办. 在淘宝上,我付款到支付宝,上面已显现了卖家已发货,会不会有实际卖家没发货,但就只显示发货呢? 我在淘宝买东西了,我已付了款,大概多久能发货过来? 我在支付宝上已经付款了,显示的状态也是买家已付款,等待卖家发货`但是卖家至今一直不发货这个怎么办? 我问卖家是否发货,他说发了。可是淘宝交易记录上怎么还写着“买家已付款,等待卖家发货”呢? 我已用支付宝付款了,但卖家还未发货,时间长了,钱会自动到卖家那儿去吗? 淘宝:对方已发货我没收到怎么办? 我在易趣买东西,使用安付通,钱已到了五天了,还是“等待卖家发货”,这是怎么回事? 刚6月初,30度左右的气温,我妈已每天出汗了,特别..