迪农 。奥尼什 的英文本名是什么?

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/22 20:45:57
迪农 。奥尼什 是美国的一个医学家,提出蔬菜水果可以用来减肥。迪农 。奥尼什是他翻译过来的名字,哪位大虾知道他的本名是什么啊,谢了先!



American medical scientist Jaipur-Aonishen study that many fresh vegetables, fruits help lose weight. 因为肉类食品很容易成为脂肪,在人体内储存起来而使人肥胖。As easily become fat meat products, and people store fat in the human body. 蔬果中的蛋白质或碳水化合物都不易转化为脂肪,特别是不含糖分的绿色蔬菜对减肥更为有效,因为这样会使人体消耗的热量高于一个人吃进的蔬果所含热量。The protein or carbohydrate foods is not easy conversion to fat Green vegetables, especially non-sugar diet to be more effective. Human consumption of calories because it will eat fruits and vegetables than one calorie content. 蔬果餐是指以蔬菜、水果为主完全不吃或基本不吃谷类或肉类食品,用以大大降低膳食的总热量与脂肪摄入量。Fruits and vegetables to meals is vegetables, fruits, cereals based entirely eat or do not eat meat or basic food, to greatly reduce the total calories and dietary fat intake