reality television 是什么意思?可以举例吗?

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/02 10:51:14

Reality television is a genre of television programming which generally is unscripted,documenting actual events over fiction, and featuring "ordinary" people over professional actors. Although the genre has been featured since early years of television, the current explosion of popularity began approximately in 2000. Critics of the genre have claimed that the term is a misnomer, as many reality tv shows put the participants in exotic locations and/or abnormal situations.
reality TV就是所谓真实电视, 又称“真人秀”,就是把电视镜头对准没有受过专业训练的志愿演员,将他们的言行、个性和品质,在规定的环境中拍摄下来做成节目播放。