
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/17 19:23:43
改革开放以来,中国银行业在中国经济发展中所起的作用是有目共睹的。但是,我们也应该清醒地认识到:中国银行业仍存在着不良资产高居不下、经营业绩较差、业务品种单一、高级经营人才缺乏等诸多问题,同时面临着对外资银行全面开放所带来的 来自外部的强烈冲击和挑战。在内外交困的情况下,中国银行业如果不能在最近几年有显著的进步,那么必将在未来的竞争中面临严峻的考验.因此,中国银行业必须认清形势,针对自身存在的问题进行深入反思和彻底改革。

China’s banking industry is still daunted by serious problems in many aspects and is in face of intensified competition after the opening, and Chinese banks have to clearly recognize the situation to rethink and reform as a way to address the problems.

The banking industry has played an important role in promoting economic development in China ever since the reform and opening-up, but it should be noted that China’s banking industry is defected in terms of high non-performing loans ratio, poor business performance, limited financial products as well as lack of talents, which is exacerbated by stronger impacts and challenges from incoming foreign competitors after the full opening-up. Amid external and external difficulties, Chinese banks have to made significant progress in coming years, otherwise their fates will be doomed in the long term. Therefore, local banks have to rethink and reform in a bid to address existing problems.

China’s financial system has und