
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/04/28 09:02:16
麻烦英语超级人士帮我把以下文字翻译成英文:摘要: 夏洛蒂•勃朗特的著名小说《简•爱》中,女主人公简•爱以执著、强制的口吻向我们展现了一位敢于说话并始终能保持自己的声音的自尊自立的女性形象。然而,在作者的叙述中,简•爱在为女性争取话语权的同时却又不时表现出对男权的认同,她遵循女性作家的话语规则却又时时落入男性话语的圈套,作品中女性权威的建构和消解在悖谬中展现了作品的批判意义。
关键字:《简•爱》 话语 话语权威 女权主义

Bronte's novel "Jane a" female protagonist to a simple determination, mandatory fashion shows the courage to speak to us and will always be able to maintain its image of the female voices of self-esteem, self-reliance. However, the author describes, in a briefing for securing the right to speak the same time they show the identity of the man, Female writers follow the rules but her words often fall into the trap male discourse. Digestion of female authority works in the building and unrealistic exposition demonstrates the critical significance of the work.

Abstract : 夏洛蒂•勃 Bronte's novel "Jane a" female protagonist to a simple determination, mandatory fashion shows the courage to speak to us and will always be able to maintain its image of the female voices of self-esteem, self-reliance. However, the author describes, in a briefing for securing the right to speak the same time they show the identity of the man, She followed the rules but femal