
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 05:19:19

a) Customs-clearance 或declaration(“申报”)at the customs(“报关”:名词)

b) apply(申请)to(向)the customs. Declare at the customs(以上为动词“报关”)

c)另:clearance of goods或entry也可指“报关”(n.) (clear the goods from customs:为货物报关)

d)“报关单”:bill of entry或application to pass goods through customs或customs debenture或customs declaration或entry(一个词)或report

e)报关费:customs clearing fee

f)报关行:customs broker或customs house broker

g)报关经纪人:customs agent

h)报关港口:port of entry


发票commercial invoice
装箱单 packing list
商检证 CIQ 出具的certificate of origin
外销合同 sale contract
外汇核销单Verification Form of Export Payment of Exchange
还有海关的报关单custom declarations,大致我的也就知道这么多了~