请热心的大家告诉我《本能》主题曲《Falling into you》的歌词!

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/14 03:15:17

falling into you 实在太好听呀,此生听下去绝不会腻!
  呵呵 猜得不太准确!仅供参考哦!
  falling into you 被你倾倒

  and in your eyes i see ribbons of color 在你眼里看到了红丝带
  i see us inside of each other我们在各自眼里看到了对方
  i feel my unconscious merge with yours我感到无意识融入了你
  and i hear a voice say而且我听到有声音在说
  what's his is hers他所拥有的一切就是她所拥有的
  i'm falling into you逐渐被你倾倒
  this dream could come true梦想将会变成现实
  and it feels so good falling into you被你倾的感觉是如此美妙
  i was afraid to let you in here我害怕将你单独留在这里
  now i have learned love can't be made in fear现在我已经明白爱不能在惧怕中产生
  the walls begin to tumble down天旋地转
  and i can't even see the ground我的视野模糊
  falling like a leaf象树叶一样坠落
  falling like a star象星星陨落
  finding a belief找到了信心
  falling where you are落在你所在的地方
  catch me, don't let me drop抱住我吧,不要让我落下
  love me, don't ever stop爱我吧,永远不要停下
  so close your eyes and let me kiss you闭上眼让我吻你
  and while you sle