有用英汉互译 谢谢了~翻译出来后还有奖励分哦(*^__^*)

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/04 18:16:26
1. bring into day light
2. be dead to
3. rule by decree
4. defy sb. to do sth.
5. juvenile delinquency
6. deliver oneself of
7. dispose for
8. a documentary film
9. go to one’s doom
10. answer the door
11. dwell in one’s mind
12. be earnest for
13. elbow one’s way
14. at sb’s expense
15. bring… into existence
16. be extravagant with money
17. keep a straight face
18. have faith in
19. have a fancy for
20. come into fashion
21. fetch and carry for
22. raise a finger to do
23. lay a finger on sth.
24. make a foot of sb.
25. be fretting about…
26. 有……天赋
27. 总书记
28. 金玉良言
29. 毕业于(地方)
30. 保持严肃
31. 猜猜看
32. 用知识丰富头脑
33. 宣布参加
34. 土木工程
35. 忍无可忍
36. 贵宾
37. 好恶
38. 毫无遮掩
39. 减价
40. 不欠债
41. 不理/ 对……装聋
42. 对…… 熟视无睹
43. 世界杯决赛
44. 天长地久
45. 国民生产总值
46. 多才多艺的人
47. 厉行

1. bring into day light
2. be dead to 对...无感觉
3. rule by decree
4. defy sb. to do sth. 违抗某人去做某事
5. juvenile delinquency 少年犯罪
6. deliver oneself of 讲,表达
7. dispose for 使倾向于
8. a documentary film 记录片,文献片
9. go to one’s doom 诉诸于一命运
10. answer the door 应门,去开门(迎客)
11. dwell in one’s mind 停留于...脑中
12. be earnest for 要认真对待...
13. elbow one’s way
14. at sb’s expense 由..付款
15. bring… into existence
16. be extravagant with money 浪费钱
17. keep a straight face 板着脸
18. have faith in 相信 信任
19. have a fancy for 爱上
20. come into fashion 流行起来,开始风行
21. fetch and carry for 为...打杂
22. raise a finger to do 举手之劳,出一点力
23. lay a finger on sth. 触碰....
24. make a foot of sb.
25. be fretting about… 对...感到烦恼
26. 有……天赋
27. 总书记 secretary-general
28. 金玉良言 golden saying
29. 毕业于(地方)be graduate from
30. 保持严肃 keep serious
31. 猜猜看 guess
32. 用知识丰富头脑
33. 宣布