麻烦大家帮忙讨论一下这个问题:"does fashion play positive or negative role in our live?"

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/22 03:01:19

Jargon and fashion

Is anything happening to English and the way we use it which annoys, dismays or concerns you? Or are there usages which you think are a great improvement? Share your thoughts about the way the language is developing using the form on the right.

English is a living language and it is evolving all the time. But if it ever had a reasonably stable grammar and vocabulary, it certainly does not now. The language is being assailed on all sides by forces for change.

Faster, easier, more efficient and more international communication means new words, phrases and constructions are being introduced to us almost daily, from the English-speaking world and beyond.

Sometimes this is a very good thing. The words "perestroika" and "glasnost", for example, were incorporated into English in the 1980s because they concisely expressed concepts for which there were no obvious English equivalents.