
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/09 00:46:40

C++ Primer Plus
C++ Primer
Thinking In C++ Vol1 & Vol2
Accelerated C++
C++ Network Programming Vol 1
C++ Network Programming Vol 2
Imperfect C++
C++ Coding Standards
C++ Template Metaprograming
Essential C++
The Boost Graph Library
Effective C++
More Effective C++
Effective STL
Exceptional C++
More Exceptional C++
Exceptional C++ Style
The C++ Programing language
The C++ Standard Library
C++ Common Language
C++ Complete Reference
C++ Templates : The Completed Guide
Morden C++ Design
Design Patterns Explainded
Inside The C++ Object Model
C++ Gotchas
C++ Cookbook
The Art of C++
C++ In A Nutshell
Beyond The C++ Standard Library : A Introduction To Boost
The C++ Standard Library Extensions
Applied C++
Programing Windows 5th

《c++ 语言程序设计》 郑莉 董渊 张瑞丰编 清华大学出版社

《c++ primer》 中文版 第四版 作者:Stanley