
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/22 00:09:49

grind away at their studies and learn textbooks by rote.


分析:不熟悉汉语俗语的英译 对于本句中出现的“头悬梁,锥刺股,死读书,读死书”这个俗语,考生们真是十八般武艺使尽。有些考生进行了忠实的直译,因而出现了不少“hang one’s hair on the bar,pierce the ass with the knife,read deadly,read dead books”等滑稽的译法,如句4。也有考生“避实就虚”,没有一字一句地对应翻译,而意图用自己的话来解释这句俗语。这是很好的尝试,如句3。但可惜的是.有考生在语法问题上栽跟头,如不注意词性,不注意搭配等等。


参考译文:Many experts think that the top priority task of the moment in teaching / educational reform is the change the curriculum / program of studies and the method of examination and that children should not be ex-pected to grind away at their studies and learn textbooks by rote.